VIDEO-2023-07-03-14-54-55 from Melanie Young on Vimeo. Here Diego Polo Reg Osteopath explains about the reasons for the symptoms of concussion and how it is diagnosed. Post Concussion Symptom Severity Scale (PCSS) This is the Post Concussion Symptom Severity Scale. If you have had an injury compatible with concussion (car accident, neck whiplash, fall, trauma to head and face, sports trauma, etc) and present with at least one of the 22 symptoms after the accident, you need to consider that you may have had a concussion. You should grade your symptoms from 0 to 6, where 0 is ‘no symptom’, 1 and 2 ‘low intensity symptom’, 3 and 4 ‘moderate intensity symptom’, and 5 and 6 ‘severe intensity symptom’.
Measure your Recovery
On a scale of 0 to 6, with 6 the highest. Please answer the following questions:
Total …… (Maximum Total 147) Functional % ……
Think about the past 3 weeks. For each of the symptoms listed below please indicate how many days per week on average they have occurred for you.
A = 7 points B = 5 points C = 3 points D =1 point
Total …… (Maximum Total 140) Functional % ......
Choose the appropriate response How many glasses of water do you drink per day (coffee and soft drinks don’t count) A. 0 B. 1 to 2 C. 3 to 6 D. 7 or more …… How many hours do you exercise weekly A. 0 B. 1 to 2 C. 2 to 3 D. More than 4 …… How many sick days have you had in the last twelve months A. 5 or more B. 3 to 4 days C. 1 to 2 days D. 0 …… How many minutes do you spend stretching each day A. 0 B. 5 or less C. 15 or less D. more than 15 …… How many servings of fruit / vegetables do you have each day A. 0 to 2 B. 3 to 6 C. 7 to 10 D. 11 or more …… How often do you take food supplements per week? A . Never B. Occasionally C. Less than 3 days per week D. Daily ...... What is the average number of hours of sleep you get per night A. less than 5 B. 5 to 6 C. 6 to 7 D. 7 to 9 …… How often do you estimate you laugh in work in one day A. Never B. Seldom C. Occasionally D. Frequently …… How many cups of coffee, tea or caffeinated drinks do you drink per day A. More than 3 B. 2 to 3 cups C. 1 to 2 cups D. 0 …… What is the extent to which you feel challenged and excited by your work A. Non existent B. A little C. Moderately D. Very …… A. = 0 points B. = 3 points C. = 5 points D. = 7 points Score …… Total score from previous pages …… Grand Total …… Maximum Total 357 Wellness Scoring Key 155 - 190 Red Alert, go straight to hospital, don’t pass go – don’t collect $200 191 - 226 Barely surviving . Take immediate action before you end up at in the red 227 - 262 Up and down like a roller coaster, life is a struggle 263 - 298 Surviving but not thriving, you can do a lot better 299 - 334 You are getting there, but keep going 335 - 357 You are the King of the World!
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AuthorEvidence-based Concussion and Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS) Complete Assessment and Recovery Action Plan in Wellington ArchivesCategories |