Steps for Returning to Normal Activity
The only treatment for a concussion is complete rest until all signs and symptoms resolve. Complete rest includes rest for the body (no playing sports or doing chores) and for the brain (no TV, video games or extensive reading). Each step should be last a minimum of one day.
Signs and symptoms may return later that day or the next and not necessarily when exercising. If signs and symptoms return you should return to the previous step and be re-evaluated by a health care professional.
Note: The injured person should proceed through the above steps only when they do not experience symptoms or signs and a physician has given the clearance. If symptoms or signs return the injured person should return to the previous step and be re-evaluated by a trained health professional.
At City Osteopaths we have a Concussion Care Clinic. We have found that gentle osteopathic treatment combined with mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT) is very helpful in aiding recovery from the symptoms of concussion listed above.
How do we do this? Gentle treatment of the muscles, fascia and nerves of the neck and upper back along with assisting normal tension of the membranes in the head, can allow an improvement in blood supply to the brain and drainage from the brain. To help concussion symptoms ease even further we combine this with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to improve oxygen to dormant parts of the brain and reduce swelling to really help the brain function again.
If you have had a concussion please call our practice on 4991439 and make an appointment to come and see one of our gentle osteopaths for an assessment so we can work out the best protocol of treatment for you to help you get back to feeling like your self again.
Melanie Young
B.A., BSc.(Clin Sc.) B.Osteo Sc. MONZ
Reg Osteopath
Director City Osteopaths
http://www.cityosteopaths.co.nz/osteopathy.html#l1 for our Osteopathic Team
http://www.cityosteopaths.co.nz/hyperbaric.html for more information on HBOT
Signs and symptoms may return later that day or the next and not necessarily when exercising. If signs and symptoms return you should return to the previous step and be re-evaluated by a health care professional.
- Step 1: No Activity - complete physical and cognitive rest. Proceed to next step only when symptoms are gone
- Step 2: Light Activity - walking, swimming, cycling. light chores, reading, partial return to work/school
- Step 3: Some Skilled Activity - Simple non-contact drills in sport, more time spent at school or work
- Step 4: More Skilled Activity - progress to more complex drills in sport, may start progressive resistance training, not-contact play with other people
- Step 5: Normal Routine and School/Work Routine - Following medical clearance you may participate in normal sport practices, games, chores, and your normal work and school routines
Note: The injured person should proceed through the above steps only when they do not experience symptoms or signs and a physician has given the clearance. If symptoms or signs return the injured person should return to the previous step and be re-evaluated by a trained health professional.
At City Osteopaths we have a Concussion Care Clinic. We have found that gentle osteopathic treatment combined with mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT) is very helpful in aiding recovery from the symptoms of concussion listed above.
How do we do this? Gentle treatment of the muscles, fascia and nerves of the neck and upper back along with assisting normal tension of the membranes in the head, can allow an improvement in blood supply to the brain and drainage from the brain. To help concussion symptoms ease even further we combine this with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to improve oxygen to dormant parts of the brain and reduce swelling to really help the brain function again.
If you have had a concussion please call our practice on 4991439 and make an appointment to come and see one of our gentle osteopaths for an assessment so we can work out the best protocol of treatment for you to help you get back to feeling like your self again.
Melanie Young
B.A., BSc.(Clin Sc.) B.Osteo Sc. MONZ
Reg Osteopath
Director City Osteopaths
http://www.cityosteopaths.co.nz/osteopathy.html#l1 for our Osteopathic Team
http://www.cityosteopaths.co.nz/hyperbaric.html for more information on HBOT
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Evidence-based Concussion and Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS) Complete Assessment and Recovery Action Plan in Wellington